SureSmile® Novi, MI

Clear aligner therapy for your perfect smile

SureSmile is a brand of orthodontic treatment that uses advanced technology to create customized treatment plans for patients. It involves the use of 3D imaging and computer-aided design to create a digital model of a patient’s teeth, which is then used to create custom-made aligners that are specific to each patient. The goal of SureSmile treatment is to achieve optimal alignment of the teeth and bite while minimizing treatment time and discomfort for the patient. The custom-made aligners are designed to apply precise forces to the teeth in order to move them into their desired positions, and the treatment is typically monitored using periodic check-ups and adjustments to ensure that the teeth are moving as planned.

SureSmile Clear Aligners

Is SureSmile® Right for Me?

SureSmile orthodontic treatment can be used to treat a variety of dental issues, including overcrowding, overbite, crossbite, underbite, spacing or gaps between teeth, open bite, and crooked teeth. By using advanced technology to create custom-made aligners that are specific to each patient, SureSmile treatment is able to apply precise forces to the teeth in order to move them into their desired positions, resulting in a more efficient and effective treatment process. The goal of SureSmile treatment is to achieve optimal alignment of the teeth and bite, which can improve the appearance of the smile and the function of the teeth and jaw.



Your teeth are too close together.



Your upper teeth sit inside your lower teeth.

Spacing or Gaps

Spacing or Gaps

You have gaps between your teeth.



Your upper front teeth overlap with your lower front teeth.



Your lower front teeth sit in front of your upper teeth.

Open Bite

Open Bite

Your top and bottom teeth don’t touch when your mouth is fully closed.

Open Bite

Crooked Teeth

Your teeth are misaligned.

The information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including test, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general purposes only. Consult with your dental professionals for more details on whether SureSmile Aligners are a good fit for you.


SureSmile is a brand of orthodontic treatment that uses advanced technology to create customized treatment plans for patients. It involves the use of 3D imaging and computer-aided design to create a digital model of a patient’s teeth, which is then used to create custom-made aligners that are specific to each patient. The goal of SureSmile treatment is to achieve optimal alignment of the teeth and bite while minimizing treatment time and discomfort for the patient.
During SureSmile treatment, custom-made aligners are attached to the patient’s teeth. These aligners are designed to apply precise forces to the teeth in order to move them into their desired positions. The treatment is typically monitored using periodic check-ups and adjustments to ensure that the teeth are moving as planned.
Like any orthodontic treatment, SureSmile treatment may cause some discomfort, particularly after adjustments are made to the aligners. However, many patients find that SureSmile treatment is less painful than traditional orthodontic treatment due to the use of customized aligners that are designed to apply more precise forces to the teeth.
The length of SureSmile treatment varies depending on the individual patient and their specific orthodontic needs. However, SureSmile treatment is typically faster than traditional orthodontic treatment because the custom-made aligners are designed to move the teeth more efficiently.
The cost of SureSmile treatment varies depending on the individual patient’s specific orthodontic needs and the length of treatment. It is generally more expensive than traditional orthodontic treatment due to the use of advanced technology and customized aligners.
